Sunday, 16 June 2013

Christina's house

The Casa Rosada is the building housing the offices of the Argentine president in Buenos Aires and at the weekends is open to visitors. The entrance is free and includes a tour of about an hour - you have to take the tour to see the interesting stuff, no unaccompanied wandering allowed. The building is a rather striking baby pink and serves, in addition to being Christina's office, as a museum and venue for press conferences or the hosting foreign visitors.
In the entrance area they have a gallery dedicated to South Americans of importance. Eva obviously makes an appearance, and in general the room could be described as a guide to South American street names and cities - they get very repetitive with the inspiration used for their roads and place names.

This photo is of one of the conference rooms in the house. In the glass case in the corner is a dress of... Eva Peron! Who would've guessed it! I'll save you a picture from the next room where you could see Eva's writing desk and the Eva Peron Balcony.

The main room used for press conferences is a room dedicated to famous South American Women (I suppose it's only fair that Eva has to share some of the limelight). Eva still has a pretty prominent place in the room.
Eva. Again.
The visit also includes some other rather impressive rooms and closes with a trip to Christina's office. This is the part where you're not allowed to take photos, although you can't really get that close to her desk anyway. Perhaps with a super zoom lens you could see classified information of a planned recapture of the Malvinas. 

The photography isn't great, although we weren't allowed flash inside the building. Overall it was an enjoyable trip and certainly worthwhile given it was free. Whilst there is another museum dedicated to Eva Perro, I think the Casa Rosada has probably also ticked that one off the to-do list!

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